Advisory Board

Ivan Rodero

Ivan Rodero


Director, Information Technology and Data Services

He has over 15 years of experience in cyber-infrastructure projects spanning from European-wide and US federal grants, including leadership roles in architecting, deploying, and operating the cyberinfrastructure for large science facilities such as the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative and research platforms such as the Virtual Data Collaboratory in the US northeast region. He is involved in key European initiatives toward FAIR data management, such as the ENVRI-FAIR project.

Pierre Bonnet

Pierre Bonnet

CIRAD Institute

Permanent researcher (researcher in Biodiversity informatics)

Tenured Scientist at Cirad (French Center for research in agriculture for development), and co-leader of Pl@ntNet, working for more than 10 years in (Agro-)Biodiversity informatics, at the Amap Lab, Montpellier, France.

Carolina Botero

Carolina Botero

Karisma Foundation

Executive Director 

Lawyer, master on Program on International Legal Cooperation (VUB – Belgium), and máster on Trade and Contracts Law (2006, UAB – Spain). For over a decade she have worked on the promotion and defense of Human Rights in the Internet. She is part of the Board of Creative Commons. She is member of the Consultative Committee on Open Science of the UNESCO.

Paula Puy AB

Paula Puy

Xarxa per la Conservació de la Natura

Communication Technician and  volunteer. 

She holds an Environmental Sciences degree and specialized in communication training. She has worked involving the public in nature conservation, giving visibility to environmental associations and foundations in Catalonia and accompanying them to improve environmental volunteering management.

Sven Schade

Sven Schade

European Commission

Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Sven is a geospatial information scientist by training, with research interests in digital governance, multi-disciplinary interoperability, and public participation in science for policy. He works at the Digital Economy Unit of the European Commission’s in-house scientific and knowledge management service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), where he leads the research on digital transformation and the modernisation of the public sector for recovery. Sven has co-authored more than 100 publications in the fields of geospatial semantics, citizen science, and next-generation knowledge infrastructures.

Huma Shah

Huma Shah

Trust in AI (Coventry University)

Research Scientist

Currently directing the science (Co-I) on a citizen science EU Horizon2020 research and innovation project CSI-COP. This project aims to engage citizen scientists to investigate the extent of online tracking through cookies.  Following completion of a free informal education course on ‘Your Right to Privacy Online’, CSI-COP citizen scientists will be equipped to evaluate compliance of the general data protection regulation (GDPR) with respect to informed consent and transparency in websites and apps. Previously she was research fellow in the EU FP7 Robolaw project at Reading University, UK. Her Google Scholar publications page is here: .