The Cos4Cloud project relies on the participation of a network of 9 citizen observatories and Do it Yourself (DIY) initiatives focused on biodiversity and the environmental domain. These platforms will be responsible for testing the various services with their users.
Citizen observatories of the biodiversity domain:

iSpot is a citizen observatory on biodiversity. The platform encompasses a network of over 68,000 global nature observers who have crowdsourced the identification of 30,000 taxa, through over 1,500,000 images of more than 750,000 observations of different species.

Natusfera is one of the largest citizen observatory platforms in the biodiversity domain. The main objective is to share biodiversity learning with the whole community by reporting observations on all sorts of living beings through its app.

Pl@ntNet is a participatory citizen science platform for collecting, sharing and reviewing plant observations based on automated identification. Its objective is to monitor plant biodiversity and facilitate access to plant knowledge by the general public.

Artportalen is a citizen observatory to report biodiversity observations in Sweden. Observations consist of four obligatory fields: taxa, location, date and reporter. Additional information can be uploaded, for example activity (breeding, migrating etc), observation method, determination method or habitat.
Citizen observatories of the environmental domain:

CanAirIO is a Colombian citizen observatory to monitor air quality with mobile and fixed sensors for measuring air quality (Particle Material PM2.5) with mobile phones (mobile measurement) or Wi-Fi (fixed measurements) with low-cost technology and open source code.

OdourCollect is a citizen observatory to empower citizens to tackle odour pollution.

FreshWater Watch
FreshWater Watch is a global citizen-scientist platform, investigating the health of the world’s freshwater ecosystems thanks to participatory science.

This is a low-cost open-source monitoring system to measure water transparency. Citizens build their own buoy with sensors and put it in the sea.

This is an innovative way to measure aerosols and water colour based on a mobile app and a small optical add-on containing a spectrometer and a polarizer.