FreshWater Watch is a global citizen-scientist platform, investigating the health of the world’s freshwater ecosystems thanks to participatory science. The main parameters measured are nitrates, phosphates, turbidity, bank vegetation, wildlife, pollution sources, water level, water speed, water colour and presence of algae. It combines an online portal and a mobile app, where data collected can be viewed in real time.
Freshwater is essential; we can’t survive without it. As cities become increasingly industrialized, freshwater is under more and more pressure. Furthermore, over 8 million people don’t have access to quality freshwater.
The first step to protect freshwater is to better manage freshwater ecosystems. In this context, FreshWater Watch aims to help monitor the quality of freshwater ecosystems all over the world through participatory science and collaborative work.
FreshWater Watch has created a global water-quality database to assess the health of freshwater ecosystems all over the world. They need the participation of citizens to help gather this information on a global scale, so we can demand better laws and policies to protect it.
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Swahili, Romanian.
Geographical coverage
Local, National, European, International.
Coordination and funding
The project started in 2012 as an online scientific and engagement platform supporting 80 citizen observatories on six continents. Developed and funded by Earthwatch.