To support the sustainability of all knowledge and products that Cos4Cloud has produced, The Open University has created Toolbox and Evidence Hub, an accessible collection of different resources to highlight and demonstrate the Cos4Cloud results, best practices and lessons learned. It includes training and capacity-building resources, best practice guidelines, educational resources, case studies and a space for reflection on the content provided.
The Evidence Hub and Toolbox will be launched soon!
What can you find in the Evidence Hub and Toolbox?

Training & capacity building resources
Focusing on the Cos4Cloud co-designed services these are targeted hands-on step-by-step system and user guides, including:
- A description of the service
- Who the service for and the benefits
- How it works, and
- How to use the service – a step by step guide

Best practice guidelines
Highlighting the 9 citizen observatories involved in the development integration and use of the Cos4Cloud services these resources demonstrate best practice from these experiences that may be useful for other COs, this includes:
- Guidelines on Best Practice for Citizen Observatories: framed by the ECSA 10 Principles of citizen science
- How to co-design and support citizen observatories within the Cos4Cloud framework

Educational resources
Cos4Cloud included activity focused on environmental education and citizen science including Cos4Cloud services and COs. These resources highlight examples of some of the school-based approaches led by project partner NKUA:
- Summaries of educational resources scenarios and activities and templates and links to download tools and materials.

Case studies
Features success stories and lessons learned, collected from the project, focused on demonstrating different use and user cases of Cos4Cloud approaches i.e. co-designing technological services, education and learning. These include:
- Testing FASTCAT-Edge and FASTCAT-Cloud camera trap services in a real scenario
- Use cases of Pl@ntNet-API in an app for farmers and to identify plant-pollinator interactions.

Evidence Hub
A space for reflection on the content provided i.e. participate in quizzes and engagement activities
- Use the Cos4Cloud services: summary of training resources and what you can do
- Read the Cos4Cloud case studies and best practice guidelines: activities with take away tips
- Test your Cos4Cloud skills