The Cos4Cloud team is made up of experts from various fields and organizations, all of them are key to the success of the project. Get to know them!
Johan Nilsson
Creator of the Swedish Species Observation System (Artportalen) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Fabian Robert
Researcher, leader of Pl@ntNet &LifeCLEF at INRIA.
Juan Carlos Pachón
Support the communication and engagement
Comunications and community Engagement at CanAirIO & Openstreetmap Colombia founder.
Advaith Siddharthan
iSpot academic lead
Reader at The Open University.
Ester Prat
EOSC compliant service architecture assistant
Project Assistant at CREAF and at GRUMETS Research Group.
Núria Julià
EOSC compliant service architecture developer
Developer at CREAF and GRUMETS Research Group.
Rosa Arias
Co-design leader & OdourCollect IP
CEO & Founder of
Science for Change
odour expert, active participant in the COST Action of Citizen Science.
Nora Salas Seoane
Demelza Ramakers
Cos4Cloud developer, experienced citizen scientist
Naya Grillia
Researcher, pedagogical intervention designer, training designer
Doctoral Researcher at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Miklas Riechmann
Developer of the services ‘automatic video stream processing service’ and ‘a platform for interactive pre-processing of large datasets’
Junior developer at DynAikon.
Ryan Rueger
Developer of the services ‘automatic video stream processing service’ and ‘a platform for interactive pre-processing of large datasets’
Senior IT support at DynAikon.
Rachel Redford
Co-leader of WP6 (Networking, Training and Capacity Building)
Project manager at The Open University.