This section includes all publications by the Cos4Cloud partners as part of the requirements of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 863463
Policy briefs
Citizen science to support progress of the SDGs and Cos4Cloud's contribution through its services and tools
This policy brief has been produced in the context of the Cos4Cloud project. It describes some of the capabilities and benefits of citizen science which can support progress towards the SDGs. These include increasing availability, analysis and exchange of data, and provision of opportunities for science education, increasing public engagement, and collaboration across society. It also explains how the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project Cos4Cloud has contributed to improving citizen science data quantity and quality. The document also highlights some case studies and recommends actions to promote and utilise citizen science as well as the integration of citizen science data in this context.
Sustainability of Cos4Cloud services for Citizen Observatories
This policy brief has been produced in the context of the Cos4Cloud project. It describes some of the challenges faced by the citizen observatories and how the services developed by Cos4Cloud have responded to this need while integrating citizen science infrastructures into the EOSC in a groundbreaking manner and contributing to the ambitions of the EU’s open science policy. The document also argues in favour of sustaining the services for COs and recommends actions for doing so.
EU Research Results
Citizen science through Cos4Cloud
Informative article in a journal
EU research results magazine
Project of the Month: Improving the collection and management of data in citizen science
Informative article in the CORDIS EU Research Results blog
EU research results website
Co-design related publications
Sustainability of citizen science platforms
This presentation summarises the results obtained during the event ‘Co-designing solutions for the sustainability and governance of citizen observatories’ at the ECSA’s Conference 2022.
Co-design as a service: Methodological guide
This guide results from the experience and lessons learned in co-designing thirteen technological services within the Cos4Cloud project.
Engaging teachers in the co-design of educational scenarios aiming to integrate citizen observatories technologies into school-based environmental education
Workshop proceddings
EDULEARN22 Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 10008-10016. IATED, ISBN 978-84-09-42484-9
Co-diseño de herramientas de ciencia ciudadana
Presentation – Co-design as a service (Spanish version)
Co-design of citizen science tools
Presentation – Co-design as a service
Educational training resources
Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 1
Citizen Science: Basic concepts, approaches and practices
The first module of the Training Course attempts to define and delimit the field of Citizen Science (CS).
This is done by citing various definitions of CS, providing a historical review of events that determined its genesis and development to date and through the presentation of the different ways in which citizens are involved in CS practices, with reference to the factors that motivate them to participate in CS activities, a discussion on the benefits derived from disseminating and implementing CS, a summary of the basic principles guiding it and, finally, an initial attempt to examine its relationship with education.
Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 2
From Citizen Science to Citizen Observatories. Supporting Environmental Protection in action
The second module of this learning programme seeks to connect Citizen Science (CS) with Citizen Observatories (CO) in the context of environmental protection, highlighting a central and key field of application of both. This is initially done by investigating the ways CS can serve as a tool in environmental protection. Later, the definition of COs is provided, and the main aspects and characteristics is analysed. Subsequently, the fields of application of COs and their relation to CS is examined. Finally, the most important COs in Europe are presented. Lastly, the necessity and value of monitoring biodiversity as one of the main fields of application of COs is analysed in the appendix.
Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 3
The European Cos4Cloud project: approaching the challenge of Open Science from a Citizen Science perspective
The third module of the Training Course presents the European Cos4Cloud project within the context of which this training course is implemented. Specifically, an analysis is made of the concept of ‘’Open Science’’ as a philosophy and vehicle for democratizing and streamlining scientific research, focusing also on the place and role of Citizen Science (CS) in this effort.
Citizen Science and school curricula in the context of Environmnental Education/ Education for Sustainable Development: Module 4
Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course
The fourth module of the Training Course examines the relationship between Citizen Science (CS) and education, focussing particularly on the possibilities of collaboration with Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
EOSC jointly publications
Delivering for EOSC – Key Exploitable Results of Horizon 2020 EOSC-related projects
This document describes the Key Exploitable Results (KERs) of the Horizon 2020 EOSC-related projects still active as of the spring of 2022, among them Cos4Cloud. The projects provided the information through a survey questionnaire that was developed in collaboration between the EOSC Association and the Research Data Alliance Association (RDA).
Supporting cross-disciplinary research in natural sciences
EOSC in practice story
Supporting knowledge creation and sharing by building a standardised interconnected repository of biodiversity data: Cos4Bio
EOSC in practice story
Connecting researchers, developers and citizen scientists in a unique mobile app environment: MOBIS
EOSC in practice story
Towards an Interdisciplinary Citizen Science Interoperable Service in EOSC
Conference proceedings
EGI 2022 Conference
Citizen Science and Environmental Oral History in Climate Education. Integrating the use of a citizen observatory for biodiversity monitoring into a climate change education project
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of ICERI-15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Integrating Citizen Observatories into school environmental education for sustainability: Design and Evaluation of a case study engaging students with Pla@ntNet and OdourCollect
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of ICERI-15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Integrating Citizen Science into Environmental Education for Sustainability. Design and implementation of an online training course to foster participation in building sustainable and just societies through school education
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the 1st International Virtual Conference on “Innovative practices in teaching and learning for building a sustainable and just society”
With the Citizen Observatory of Pl@ntNet in the National Garden. Implementation and evaluation of an educational scenario in the context of a Citizen Science project and Environmental Education
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Scientific Congress on “Integration and Use of ICT in the Educational Process”
Engaging teachers in the co-design of educational scenarios aiming to integrate citizen observatories technologies into school-based environmental education
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of EDULEARN – 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Designing a digital game on the biodiversity of the school garden in the context of utilizing educational activities concerning Environmental Science with the aid of Citizen's science digital tools
Master thesis UNIWA-NKUA
Best Practice for using SensorThings API with Citizen Science
OGC Best Practice
Open Geospatial Consortium
Pl@ntNet: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for biodiversity conservation
Article in a journal
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
Motion vectors and deep neural networks for video camera traps
Article in a journal
Science Direct
Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences
Article in a journal
Nature Reviews Methods Primers
How networks of citizen observatories can Increase the quality and quantity of citizen-science-generated data used to Monitor SDG Indicators
Article in a journal
Sustainability, MDPI
An iNaturalist-Pl@ntNet-workflow to identify plant-pollinator interactions–a case study of Isodontia mexicana
Pl@ntNet Crops: merging citizen science observations and structured survey data to improve crop recognition for agri-food-environment applications
Article in a journal
Environmental Research Letters
Very High Resolution Species Distribution Modeling Based on Remote Sensing Imagery: How to Capture Fine-Grained and Large-Scale Vegetation Ecology With Convolutional Neural Networks?
Article in a journal
Frontiers in plant science
LifeCLEF 2022 teaser: An evaluation of machine-learning based species identification and species distribution prediction
Conference proceedings
Advances in Information Retrieval: 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022
Overview of lifeclef 2022: an evaluation of machine-learning based species identification and species distribution prediction
Conference proceedings
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 13th International Conference of the CLEF Association
Motion vectors and deep neural networks for video camera traps
Article in a journal
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
How Networks of Citizen Observatories Can Increase the Quality and Quantity of Citizen-Science-Generated Data Used to Monitor SDG Indicators
Article in a journal
MDPI Sustainability
Individual Tree Data Standard
Forest Research
Practice-based insights from UK collaboration projects between a university and communities: ideas for school-based learning through citizen science
Workshop proceedings
Citizen science and basic education: how to develop a project with schools’ engagement in scientific research?, 11 Aug 2021, Online Workshop, STEM Education Hub (British Council and Kings College London)
Exploring citizen science learning journeys through an online community of nature lovers
Conference proceedings
CitSci Virtual 2021, Citizen Science Association (CSA) Conference, 03-27 May 2021, Online (USA)
ICTs, data and vulnerable people: a guide for citizens
Technical Report at a Workshop
PANELFIT Project Workshop, Berlin, March 2020
Pl@ntNet-300K: a plant image dataset with high label ambiguity and a long-tailed distribution
Conference proceedings
NeurIPS 2021 – 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Overview of GeoLifeCLEF 2021: Predicting species distribution from 2 million remote sensing images
Workshop proceedings
CLEF 2021
Overview of PlantCLEF 2021: cross-domain plant identification
Workshop proceedings
CLEF 2021
Overview of LifeCLEF 2021: An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Based Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction
Conference proceedings
CLEF 2021: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction
Customized e-floras: How to develop your own project on the Pl@ntNet platform
Conference abstract
TDWG 2021: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards
Convolutional neural networks improve species distribution modelling by capturing the spatial structure of the environment
Article in a journal
PLOS Computational Biology
How do deep convolutional SDM trained on satellite images unravel vegetation Ecology?
Workshop proceedings
ICPR 2020 – International Conference on Pattern Recognition – workshops and challenges
LifeCLEF 2021 Teaser: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction Challenges
Conference proceedings
ECIR 2021: Advances in Information Retrieval
Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability Science
Article in a journal, open access
Citizen science is already contributing to 5 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators, and it could contribute to 76 indicators, which, together, equates to around 33%, according to a recent study published on Sustainability Science.
Pl@ntNet Services, a Contribution to the Monitoring and Sharing of Information on the World Flora
Publication in a workshop
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards
Design and Development of Interoperable Cloud Sensor Services to Support Citizen Science Projects
Presentation at a conference
EGU General Assembly 2020
The Science of Citizen Sience
Book, open access
Get the open-access book ‘The Science of Citizen Science’, published by Springer Nature.The book covers the whole spectrum of citizen science theory and practice in Europe, and was the result of a collaboration of over 100 authors from 24 countries, including the Cos4Cloud coordinator, Jaume Piera, a researcher at the ICM-CSIC and associated researcher at CREAF, Luigi Ceccaroni, innovation and strategic manager at Earthwatch Europe and part of Cos4Cloud, who was also one of the book’s lead editors. Several other Cos4Cloud team members also contributed: Sasha Woods from Earthwatch Europe, Tim Woods from ECSA, Rosa Arias from Science for Change, and Maria Daskolia from NKUA.
How citizen scientists contribute to monitor protected areas thanks to automatic plant identification tools
Article in a journal, open access
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society. Ecological Solutions and Evidence Journal.
Contribution citoyenne au suivi de la flore d'un parc national français, un exemple remarquable à l'échelle du Parc national des Cévennes.
Article in a journal
Published by Société botanique d’Occitanie (SBOcc). Journal: Carnets Botaniques
Citizen Science Monitoring for Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 6.3.2 in England and Zambia
Article in a journal
Published by MDPI. Sustainability – Special Issue “Citizen Science and the Role in Sustainable Development”.
LifeCLEF 2020 Teaser: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction Challenges.
Publication in a workshop
ECIR 2020 – 42nd European Conference on IR Research on Advances in Information Retrieval
Overview of LifeCLEF location-based species prediction task 2020 (GeoLifeCLEF)
Presentation at a conference
CLEF 2020 – 11th International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages
Participation of LIRMM / Inria to the GeoLifeCLEF 2020 challenge
Presentation at a conference
CLEF 2020 – 11th International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages
Overview of LifeCLEF 2020: A System-Oriented Evaluation of Automated Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction
Conference proceedings
International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages CLEF 2020: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction
AI naturalists might hold the key to unlocking biodiversity data in social media imagery
Article in Journal
Protecting small populations of rare species. Case study on dactylorhiza viridis (orchidaceae) in Fancott Woods and Meadows SSSI, Bedfordshire, UK
Article in Journal
Nature Conservation Research
EU-Citizen.Science: A Platform for Mainstreaming Citizen Science and Open Science in Europe
Article in a journal
Data Intelligence
Sustainability of Cos4Cloud services for Citizen Observatories
This policy brief has been produced in the context of the Cos4Cloud project. It describes some of the challenges faced by the citizen observatories and how the services developed by Cos4Cloud have responded to this need while integrating citizen science infrastructures into the EOSC in a groundbreaking manner and contributing to the ambitions of the EU’s open science policy. The document also argues in favour of sustaining the services for COs and recommends actions for doing so.