CanAirIO is a Colombian citizen observatory to monitor air quality with mobile and fixed sensors for measuring air quality (Particle Material PM2.5) with mobile phones (mobile measurement) or Wi-Fi (fixed measurements) with low-cost technology and open source code.
This observatory aims to build a citizen network, an air-quality map that will allow us to know what we are breathing and how we can improve quality of life. With the data collected, citizens can independently validate official air-quality numbers: what can be measured can be improved. This knowledge empowers citizens to demand better air quality policies from governments.
This citizen observatory uses the CanAirIO device to track air quality in any world region. CanAirIO is a ‘Do It Yourself’ device, so you can build your own in a few hours and generate your own air-quality reports. You don’t need previous training in programming or electronics, just to be willing to learn!
If you can draw, write or if you and your company or group of friends want to live in a healthy city, you can participate!
Spanish and English.
Geographical coverage
Local, National, European, International.
Coordination and funding
This initiative is managed by Trébola Organization for Cos4Cloud project.
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- November 18, 2020