The presentations within this program will encompass a variety of topics realted to participatory research, citizen science, innnovation and fab labs. The Cos4Cloud team will participate by doing an oral presentation about the project.
The Cos4Cloud project will do an oral presentation expalining the project aims, challenges and opportunities for developing a new generation of citizen science observatories. Apart from inviting the citizen science community to be involved in the Cos4Cloud project, the Cos4Cloud coordination team will share the progress in some of the essential questions the project is working on like:
- How these innovative services could contribute to the implementation of Open Science in Europe?
- Which are the potential connections with other ongoing initiatives (i.e. Eu-Citizen.Science)?
- What are the challenges faced by citizen observatories in terms of quality and interoperability?
- What are the opportunities that new technologies are bringing?
- How to implement FAIR data approach in citizen science and what is lacking in this approach from the perspective of citizen science?
Learn more about the programme by ‘clicking here’.
The speakers
Jaume Piera
The Cos4Cloud coordinator, researcher at the ICM-CSIC and associate researcher at the CREAF.
Miquel Ángel Rodríguez-Arias
Coordination, strategist and grant manager at the Cos4Cloud project.
Karen Soacha
Coordination and leader of the ‘services in parctice’ at the Cos4Cloud project, researcher at the ICM-CSIC.