It begins in April with the City Nature Challenge (CNC), an international friendly competition of naturalistic observations where cities worldwide will compete with each other and continue throughout Catalonia throughout the summer. In Catalonia, the provinces of Barcelona, Girona, and Tarragona will participate with the BioMARató. The region that gets the most underwater observations, detects more invasive and rare species or gets the most participants will win.
Participate on your own or sign up for one of the free activities on the Catalan coast (beaches in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Costa Daurada, and Costa Brava)
Catalonia Competition: June 1 – September 30, 2021
World Competition: April 30 – May 3, 2021
The BioMARAtó is a BioBlitz organized by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) together with the Cos4Cloud project, the company Anèl·lides – Serveis ambientals marins, the environmental association Xatrac, and two diving centers: Oceánicos, and Plàncton Diving and the Calonge and Sant Antoni city council.