Citizen science forum in Sabadell (Catalonia)

This forum aims to make visible and promote a transversal and effective use of citizen science as a tool to respond to the current challenges of our society.

Cos4Cloud contribution

Several members of Cos4Cloud will participate with presentations in this Forum.

  • Jaume Piera: Joint inaugural lecture with Aitana Oltra (UPF): “Citizen science as a transformative element for society”.
  • Ana Álvarez: Speaker at the round table discussion “Making citizen data accessible and fun: how we analyse the results”, in the framework of the Cos4Cloud project and the MECODA data analysis service that has been developed within the project framework.
  • Carlos Rodero: Speaker at the round table “Let’s get closer to the sea: KDuino buoy”, in the framework of his research on KDuino, a citizen observatory that participates in Cos4Cloud.
  • Science for Change organises an interactive round table to present several of the services developed in Cos4Cloud.


Ajuntament de Sabadell, AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona), Departament d’Acció Climàtca Alimentació i Agenda Rural de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


ISGlobal, Ideas for Change, Science for change, Ajuntament de Barcelona and Congrés Nacional d’Educació Ambiental.