One of Cos4Cloud’s backbones has been co-designed our services with the main end-users: the citizen science community, which encompasses diverse profiles. That is why Science for Change, with the support of ICM-CSIC, has organised a series of co-design workshops that have contributed to improving Cos4Cloud’s services.
Co-design highlights
Discover the services our community has helped us to co-design
- MOBIS, a service to create integrative citizen science apps where you can report all your environmental and biodiversity observations in one Android or iOS app. +[INFO]
- FASTCAT-Edge, build your own smart camera trap to record only videos and pictures of wildlife activity and quickly identify the species names. +[INFO]
- FASTCAT-Cloud, upload and analyse all your nature videos and pictures on the FASTCAT-Cloud website: receive only information on relevant images and recordings of wildlife activity and quickly identify the species names with Artificial Intelligence (AI). +[INFO]
- Cos4Bio, a service that integrates biodiversity observations from multiple citizen observatories in one place: save time in the species identification process and get access to an enormous number of observations. +[INFO]
Now that most of our services are ready to use, we are organising many testing activities, Hackathons, Datathons, BioBlitzs, etc., to test them in real scenarios. Do you want to join? Click here!