This is not an open meeting.

This workshop aims to find synergies between different entities from Barcelona and Athens regarding education and citizen science. During the meeting, several key education and citizen science stakeholders will present their work and explore collaborations and projects.
Regarding Cos4Cloud, this workshop contributes to reusing all the methodologies and guidelines about education and citizen science that Cos4Cloud has developed.
10:00h | Welcome and introduction of the participants
10:15h | “How Cos4Cloud and citizen science can help educators” – Jaume Piera, Head of the EMBIMOS Group at ICM-CSIC and Cos4Cloud coordinator
10:30h | “Citizen Science and Environmental Education for Sustainability” – Maria Daskolia, Director of the Environmental Education Lab at NKUA
11:00h | “Citizen science from Barcelona City Council” – Diana Escobar (TBC), Projects Coordinator, Department of Science and Universities, Barcelona City Council (Barcelona Citizen Science Office)
11:10h | “Ododour collect experience in schools” – Rosa Arias, CEO of Science for Change
11:20h |”The Escoles+Sostenibles” experience – Marta Vilar, Escoles + Sostenibles Program
11:30h | Discussion: Exploring synergies between Athens and Barcelona
12:30h | End of the meeting