The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) has produced two policy briefs in the Cos4Cloud framework. The main author of this document is Claudia Fabó-Cartas, project officer for Cos4Cloud and ECS.
Citizen science to support progress of the SDGs and Cos4Cloud’s contribution through its services and tools
This policy brief describes some of the capabilities and benefits of citizen science which can support progress towards the SDGs. These include increasing availability, analysis and exchange of data, and provision of opportunities for science education, increasing public engagement, and collaboration across society. It also explains how the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project Cos4Cloud has contributed to improving citizen science data quantity and quality. The document also highlights some case studies and recommends actions to promote and utilise citizen science as well as the integration of citizen science data in this context.
Sustainability of Cos4Cloud services for citizen observatories
This document describes some of the challenges faced by COs mentioned above and how the services developed by Cos4Cloud have responded to this need while integrating citizen science infrastructures into the EOSC in a groundbreaking manner and contributing to the ambitions of the EU’s open science policy. The document also argues in favour of sustaining the services for COs and recommends actions for doing so.