Research libraries and citizen science engagement: how to build bridges?

Cos4Cloud participated in the LIBER 2021 Annual Conference to discuss the role of research libraries in citizen science.
Credit: SSHOC website.

The workshop entitled ‘Onboarding Citizen Science and the role of research libraries: barriers and accelerators took place on June 23rd, 2021. The session was co-organised by SSHOC and the LIBER Citizen Science working group. During the workshop, COESO project, the University of Bordeaux and the INOS project, the SDU Citizen Science Knowledge CentreScientific Knowledge Services and Cos4Cloud shared the best practices related to citizen science engagement and communication.

The workshop was also an opportunity to discuss the challenges of citizen science and build collaboration between projects and research libraries.

For those who couldn’t attend the workshop, find the presentations here and the recordings here. Also, find the complete programme and profiles of the speakers here

LIBER is an organization that supports and speaks up on behalf of university, national and special libraries across Europe.

Read the piece of news on the event on the SSHOC website.

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