Testing MECODA in real scenarios to improve citizen science data analysis

In May 2022, Cos4Cloud organised two testing activities to test citizen science data using MECODA with two citizen science platforms and communities: Ictio, which tracks fish observations in the Amazon Basin and OdourCollecta citizen observatory that gathers data on odour pollution.

Testing session in the Escola Virolai, Barcelona (Catalonia). Credit: Science for Change.

The activity with Ictio was co-organised with Citizen Science Network for the Amazon, Cos4Cloud, Science for Change, Institut de Ciències del Mar – CSIC (ICM-CSIC) and Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia Participativa and aimed at Ictio’s most active community and conducted by Alex Amo, IT & Data Officer at Science for Change and part of the Cos4Cloud team.

The OdourCollect session was aimed at Escola Virolai students, Catalonia (Spain). They had been collecting odour data using OdourCollect and wanted to analyse it. For example, they tried to answer: How far can the smell of trees reach? Is there a link between pollution and odours in Barcelona?

The workshop was organised by several members of Science for Change in the Cos4Cloud framework. In particular: Miguel Hernández Pascual, Alex Amo, Blanca Guasch Balcells, Mar Escarrabill and Enric Sagrià.

MECODA is an online tool repository to facilitate the analysis and viewing of all sorts of citizen science data developed by ICM-CSIC. 

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