The Cos4Cloud legacy for the citizen science community: watch the video

To wrap up over three years of the project and its community, Cos4Cloud and ECSA co-organised a final event for everyone interested to learn about the project’s main achievements, discover how to use Cos4Cloud’s products and celebrating the community that has actively contributed to the project. The event took place on 2nd March 2023.

The event was divided into two main parts; during the first one, Jaume Piera, the Cos4Cloud coordinator and Institut de Ciències del Mar – CSIC researcher, explained our journey & contributions to citizen science, citizen observatories & the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).


During the second part, some members from the Cos4Cloud community also shared their experiences participating in the project.

Naya Grillia from NKUA presented Matrona Pappa’s work on introducing citizen science into the school practice in Greece using Odourcollect. Matrona is a Physical Education teacher in Primary Education. 

Marc Vilella, a field technician at the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers and member of the FELIS group, shared his experience using our services FASTCAT-Edge and FASTCAT-Cloud to help improve camera traps user experience when monitoring Catalan mammals.

Margaret Gold, the citizen science lead at Citizen Science Lab at Leiden University, has explained the ‘Seeing Stars Leiden’ initiative & how our service MOBIS contributed to storing and displaying light measurements on a map. 

Vladimir G. Toro Valencia, professor and researcher at the Universidad de Antioquia and member of the WAIRA network, has shared this network experience using the guides developed by Trébola Organización Ecológica to create do-it-yourself air quality sensors in La Ceja Antioquía (Colombia).

The participants share their thoughts on Cos4Cloud to wrap up the event. The most repeated words were: citizen science, collaborative & useful. 

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