The sixth edition of our newsletter is already out!

It includes an interview with Henning Bredel on Agile Methodology and citizen science, the services infographics, and much more!

In this edition, you can read our three featured articles: ‘Innovation in citizen science’, a post written by Sasha Woods; an interview with Dave Wal, Citizen Science Officer at the National Biodiversity Data Centre in Ireland, written by Claudia Fabó, who works at ECSA, the European Citizen Science Association, as a project officer for Cos4Cloud and ECS (European Citizen Science) and a press release on the latest Cos4Cloud results written by Ángela Justamante, a communication technician at CREAF and Cos4Cloud. We also share our last events and outputs! 

Download our 6th newsletter here.

We will send a newsletter every four months. If you aren’t subscribed yet, click here and don’t miss our next edition!

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