Interested in implementing co-design in citizen science or software development? Download our new guide!

Co-design is a collaborative process that provides innovative solutions to a challenge, a problem or a need. In citizen science projects, this methodology is a paradigm change which allows switching the approach from the ‘top-down’ to the ‘bottom-up’ involving participants more actively. For example, you can co-design the project’s objectives, the data collection and analysis […]

How to introduce citizen science projects into schools – Collaboration between Athens and Barcelona

This is not an open meeting.  This workshop aims to find synergies between different entities from Barcelona and Athens regarding education and citizen science. During the meeting, several key education and citizen science stakeholders will present their work and explore collaborations and projects. Regarding Cos4Cloud, this workshop contributes to reusing all the methodologies and guidelines […]

The second edition of ‘BioMARató-Beaches with life’ reaches other places in Europe

The second edition of the BioMARató-Beaches with life, one of Catalonia’s most significant events of citizen science and marine observations, has also been celebrated this year on the island of Tremiti in Italy. Around 200 participants reported more than 25,000 photographs of marine species. The initiative, coordinated by the EMBIBOS research group of the ICM-CSIC, took […]

Bio-Datathon Athens: trees for life, trees for learning

This is not an open event.  This training activity aims to map and analyse data about trees in Athens. Participants will use citizen science technologies and tools developed by Cos4Cloud to do so.  In particular, they will learn to use: MINKA, MECODA and Pl@ntNet-API.  As a result, students will devise and briefly describe the idea/concept for […]